Unexpected handle material source


Go to Lowes, the wood flooring section. They have samples of all kinds of different woods from oak to bamboo and I even scored the last walnut. The thickness is about 3/8 - 1/4 in. 4-5 inches square. Oh and the best part - they cost $.25.
I think I might make a trip there tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up. Never thought to go there.
One warning on the laminate Bamboo etc.
A buddy that did flooring use to give me all of his left overs from each job. I used a fair amount of this for handles on culinary a few years ago and after a while the bamboo laminate can separate if the end users leave them damp in the sink. It takes awhile, but I won't use any of the laminates anymore.
Good point! I mostly picked up hard woods, but I did got a couple laminates just to see how they would work out... thanks for the info on that!