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That Coal Iron press works pretty darn good for a 9 ton press doesn't it? Assuming it's still got the stock 3" cylinder installed? I upgraded my Coal Iron press to a 4" cylinder so I could get an honest 12 ton from it.
I snicker every time you post about your press. Not that I blame you, because I don't and would feel the same way. I'll bet if Coal Iron knew how much bad press they would receive, they would have replaced your cylinder for free.
When I first got the press and realized it was only 9 tons I talked to somebody there and they could care less. Said "it works, what does it matter" or words to that effect. That's what rankled me more than anything. They also mentioned how much more the 3.5" cylinder cost - and it does. Heck, a 3.5" tends to cost more than a 4" cylinder.

I'm not on a crusade about the "12" ton press, I think Coal Iron has some good presses, and a good design. Just when I see something posted about how good it works, sometimes I just have to mention the issue. I do always ask if it's still the 3" or has Coal Iron started using a 3.5" cylinder.
It did pretty well. We set the welds by hand and drew out the initial stack to around 13.5" and 1.3" thick. I had trouble getting into the rhythm of the hand lever at first, but it takes getting used to. With the snaller die size, you just take smaller bites. But the 50kg SayMak power hammer was much easier to use and I could draw out a lot thinner and faster.
When I first got the press and realized it was only 9 tons I talked to somebody there and they could care less. Said "it works, what does it matter" or words to that effect. That's what rankled me more than anything. They also mentioned how much more the 3.5" cylinder cost - and it does. Heck, a 3.5" tends to cost more than a 4" cylinder.

I'm not on a crusade about the "12" ton press, I think Coal Iron has some good presses, and a good design. Just when I see something posted about how good it works, sometimes I just have to mention the issue. I do always ask if it's still the 3" or has Coal Iron started using a 3.5" cylinder.
I would be massively P.O’d if I bought a press and it was 25% less than advertised. It absolutely does not matter if it “works”, it’s not what it was sold as. Be like selling a “V6” car to someone and when they open the hood, it’s a 4 cylinder.
I gotta mow the jungle in my backyard today, waiting for the grass to dry, I figured I’d shape the handle on this. The handle is 1/2” plywood, it will be replaced by stacked birch bark after I get the G10 shaped how I want it. I think the plywood actually looks kinda neat! The rest of it is: ivory G10, purple G10, copper, and Apex Ultra. It’s a take down. Gonna probably cry when I sell this, I really like this knife.