Which Buffing Wheel?


Well-Known Member
I just bought the 8" slow speed grinder from Woodcraft with plans to use one side with a buffing wheel. Currently I've been using a bob on my drill press. Which buffing wheel do you suggest using for handles and blades?
Since this has sat here a few days I'll take a stab.
On the blade, nothing, I don't use a buffing wheel on my blades, and don't much care for blades that have been buffed. It is just too easy to buff out nice sharp grind lines.
For handles, when I do buff, I just use a sewn (spiral or straight) cotton buff. I have a loose buff, but I don't care or it. too grabby. When you get to this point in making a knife you don't need it too grab, and get tossed around the shop.
I use what they call a Muslin cotton buff in light to medium loaded with Fabaluster white compound.

On the metal buffing for taking off Burrs after sharpening I use a Medium to hard Muslin cotton loaded with Green Chrome compound.

Be careful with that Darn machine!



Of all the equipment in my shop I believe the buffer is the most dangerous, so regardless of what you decide to buff with, please be careful.