Christmas in july KITH 2010

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Delbert Ealy

Forum Owner-Moderator - Founder
O.K. Guys,
Since a christmas Kith is out of the question we will aim for the middle of july.
Sign up now, rules to be posted shortly.

The rules
#1 its open to everyone
#2 on july 1st I will post a new thread for those who are ready. When you have your knife ready you post in that thread and include a photo(required) and those are the names I will draw from, this helps avoid confusion to the few that for one reason or another can't complete their knife and it insures that everyone gets a knife in the appropiate time.
#3 once I get the final list the names will be drawn by an impartial party(one of my 4 daughters) and matched with a name on the list.
#4 All members are welcome, from all around the world

About the knives
The entry can be any knife or related item that you craft yourself, fixed blade, folder, axe, sword, or whatever. Your workmanship should be the best quality you can do. We all have varied talents and skills, make a knife you yourself would want to recieve. Please include a sheath with your fixed blade knives.

To add a bit of excitement I should let you know that I always make a damascus piece for a KITH

The list so far 33

delbert ealy
darrin sanders
sean cochran
ja williams
dan pierson
mike jones
jim adams
aw stovall
mark behnke
diamond g knives
p moore
jeff pearce
jake mello
frank aguirre
j hoover
erik markman
denton eller
bennie lovejoy
jim levite
marcel morin
hk knives
mark redmond
doug lester
carey quinn
a sharpe
chris martin
joe levy
steven janik
archer moon
dwane oliver
joe sangster
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I have not even completed my first knife yet so............

If its ok with everyone else I will participate!!
I am in. It might not be pretty since I have not got to do anything this year and have to learn all over again.
I for one would like you to join. If I get your knife, then someday when you are a famous maker I can say I have one of your first knives.:)

Let me see if I can help with this. If I am right (yes that does happen every so often) a KITH is for everyone. From Newbies to our experts. It is ment to have fun and gain in site. A KITH is a learning experience. It is ment to be constructive not destructive. If you get a knife that you see something you don't understand ask questions about it. I you see something wrong post a pic of it and find out what to do. Help each other is what this is about. Remember everyone can see something on a knife here no matter who makes it. Let it be a learning experience that everyone can enjoy. For me it will help get me back in the swing of things and let me try something new. That is my .02 cents. So now lets get this filled and moving down the road. Oh a KITH on another forum was how I got a S.P.A. knife. Love it.
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