Hello from Bay City, Texas!


Hi guys,

I'm not a maker but a user and collector.

Les George led me here so I decided to join a while back.

I have 6 fixed blade knives Les made and a couple more on order.

Looking forward to participating here!

Andy Franklin
Welcome to the pack Andy. I have a brother not far from you over in Pearland. I've tried getting him into knives, but he's too wrapped up in rifles and engineering.
Pearland has grown so much in the last few years. Traffic is horrible there now.
Used to be able to breeze straight through. Not any more!!!
It has grown alot. When they first moved from Friendswood over to Pearland in '99 or '00, they had just built the new Wal-Mart there and there wasn't much of anything else. I haven't been back since Spring '07 and it was becoming its own little metropolis. I still look forward to visiting again this coming May when I come down for my nephew's graduation though.