Is Upside DOWN!


Well-Known Member
I have a good customer for sharpening and he has purchased a couple of my culinary knives. This Gent is a Vet from the Vietnam war and had the middle F-u finger shot off of his right hand along with collecting some other lead in other parts of his body in a fire fight that he was very fortunate to live through.

He was asking me about using a small paring knife he already had and I asked to demonstrate how he held his knife when using it.

He had the blade towards him like when peeling an apple and I noticed that he was having trouble grasping the knife solidly because of the missing digit.

I told him that I could make just the thing for him!

3 1/2" Blade Reverse handle grip Paring knife.
Distal tapered blade & Distal tapered tang.
Rounded spine
440C Stainless HT By Paul Bos to an RC of 59.
Dark brown stabilized Quilted Maple that I sent to K & G.
Red Kydex Liners.

DSCN2059.jpg DSCN2060.jpg DSCN2061.jpg

By reversing the bevel grind and using the 3/4" wheel on the spine of the blade I was able to add another contact point for his three digits on the opposite side allowing him to use different contact points for a better grip while working.

He will be by the shop tomorrow to pick it up.
Thanks for all the kind works guys.
I am putting a handle on a reverse grip Bird's Beak peeler today.

The Bird's Beak pattern blade works great for veining shrimp and many other peeling tasks.

Pictures soon!
He just picked it up and loved the way the reverse grip handle felt and that I had put another 3/4" finger groove on the spine of the knife. He started saying out loud all of the things he could use it for in food prep.

I told him that it may take a few times of using it to really get his muscles to feel what's going on. Our muscle memory can resist new things until we retrain them for a new task
Heck yea that's sweet man. I bet its awesome hearing the old stories too! When I'm fortunate enough to tattoo old and new vets I love when they open up and kinda let stories pour out. Its awesome you were able to fix him up a knife like that

an armed society is a polite society
I enjoy helping people get a knife that will work for them with whatever personal challanges they may have and I have the deepest respect for all that have served, weather they were drafted or enlisted.