Kentucky Boy says Hello!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi ya'll,

My name is Christopher A. Ford. I'm 24, married with 1 2 yr. old girl. I'm a coal prep plant boss in WV, but live in Phelps, KY. I'm also a US Army Combat Engineer with the 577th Sapper Co. aka the old C co. 206th ENG out of Prestonsburg, KY. I love Bowies :)

Now, I am an inspiring knifemaker. I started out by building my own forge, using 10" 1/4" thick pipe from work, and using a forced air venturi setup. I have pics of it and my first forgings (a railroad spike) on my photobucket page:

I'm looking for people in the area to pick brains with, learn from and have fun with. I already visited the KY knifemakers thread and have PM'd Sean Cochran as he's the closest :)

I love knifes and long walks on coal piles.

Christopher A. Ford
Glad to have ya' from another here in S. Central Ky. I hope to see more of ya'. Good luck in your Shooting Match at Ft. Knox!!
This place is going to end up being the KentuckyDogs...
welcome to KD and thanks for your service.
Howdy, we'er just down the road in Floyd co. You work at a prep plant, man why you using propane :D:D:D LOL, we got a gasser too. Just gets expensive welding much in one. Ours it does anyway..
Good intro. Thanks for your service.

Thanks gang, I'm getting ready to post my first true forging from an industrial spring from the prep plant, IE i'm guessing it's 5160 or something like to follow with explanation in the new to knifemaking forum.
Tell ya what Chris, lets see when we can get some free time and you can come over and use my grinder to finish those up. Im in the book give me a call sometime.

thanks for all the warm welcomes, hopefully I can begin to contribute to knowledge bank here, but i doubt you guys wanna learn about washing coal, reading barney books to kids, welding/pipefitting and the improper use of oxy/acy torches :)