Let's See Your Anodizers


Well-Known Member
O.K. This might sound kinda like a silly request, but I would like to buy or make an anodizer & I bet some of you have bought or created your own. I would like to get some input and some visuals on what you fellors have going on with these things. If you don't mind post a picture or two so the rest of us can see what these things look like & maybe give a little info on how yours is designed and how it works.
Has anyone bought this one http://www.riversidemachine.net/item40480.ctlg from Uncle Al's Riverside Machine shop?? Thanks for the help, Shane
Although I built my own anodizer (that was before I ever knew that they were commercially available), I have heard good things about this unit:


Its only the power supply, but thats all an "anodizer" is anyway. All you need are a couple of piece of titanium for the anode/cathode, and a container for the electrolyte (I use a saturated TSP solution).

If what I have every goes down, this is the unit I'm going to purchase.
Hey Thanx Guys!

Ed & Les Those are just what I was looking for! What are the highest voltages used for anodizing? I noticed the one that Ed posted goes up around 120vdc and the one Les posted only goes to 30vdc. I was thinking you needed higher voltages, up around 70-100 vdc, to reach some of the colors??
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