Looking for Knife jobs? We get calls, emails every week..


KnifeDogs.com & USAknifemaker.com Owner
Staff member
Every week, we get calls or emails asking us to make custom knives, modify a knife, repair or refurbish a knife, make a small run of knives or take on a single knife commission.

When we get requests like that, we send the person asking a list of knife makers that have told us they are interested in taking on jobs like that.

If you would like to be included on this list we send out, send us some information and we will put you on the list.

Put together a short blurb about what type of knife work you are looking for and we will include it in the file we send out when we get requests like this.

Your information should include your contact information (email and phone number and web site if you have one) along with a short description of the type of knife work you can take on. The more complete the contact information and the description of services offered, the more likely you will pick up a job or two.

To get on the list, contact CustomerServiceBeth via PM and she will get you taken care of.
This certainly is a fine personal link ! I may or may not go there but I sure want to say thanks for doing this. Frank
Tracy, you do so much for the knife making community. This is another big service for your friends and associates. Thank you!
You continue to show your interest in others.