Love a nice blade, have a few questions

Greetings from upper mid TN. I been known to collect a knife or a gun here and there when I wasn't playing out in the sand or in the woodline. That's all behind me now as I work to be a student. Medical Technologies, BS degree. Ha, who would have ever guessed? BS degree, well I used to think that was all I would ever get in life. I ride a little harley all year round, you know, snow, rain, whatever. I just do my thing and try to have a little fun once in a while.
Now the questions...

I have one of three knives made by a Mr. R. Hankins. His name is inscribed on the blade. These blades were made from the broken, bloodied blades of many knives that had seen combat through three generations of Warriors, from WWI to Viet Nam, Panama, and Grenada, and possibilly Desert Storm. I have been trying to locate this 'R. Hankins' so I could send him a photo of the knife in question and get the story from him on them.
The knife: The blade is a mix in shape of a kukri and a wickedly pointed combat knife. It's handle and angle are all kukri, but the shape of the working blade has a deep back cut, and a slimmer look, almost like an angled mini cutlass or an enlongated Ka Bar


I'll be looking forward to actually learning more about blades and the stuff I like in depth by a bit of looking around here