trash can damascus


Well-Known Member
I was wondering, I have seen trashcan damascus made of scrap pieces of carbon steel. Is it possible to take all the messed up blades and scrap stainless and make some trash can damascus out of it? I have a few scrap blades that I messed up on and it is a lot of good stainless, 440c , cpm 154, s30v, and elmax. Can I take these and weld them together and then forge them to make some damascus?
Yes, Mosaic Damascus is what Your wanting to do. not sure about all those Different steels though. you'll need to do a Canister type with Powdered metal to fill it.
Have to get someone with more experience to say if you'd be able to weld that sort of mix. If you succeed you can't heat treat everything properly. Might be good for guards, pommels, etc. though.
I make what I call junkyard Damascus, but I use all the same type of scrap, needle bearings or sprag elements (transmission parts)in a can and add powdered 1095 with 4% nickle for contrast. Haven't tried stainless
I use every bit of waste as ill use it for but caps guards or in jewelry...