Washington State Ivory Ban Bills Fail - Another Victory for Common Sense


Well-Known Member
Another irrational state Ivory Ban effort has failed, this time in Washington State. Once a bright light was shone on the lies and deceit of the Ivory- banners, the bills (HB 1131 and SB 5241) proved unable to move forward by legislative deadlines.

Working closely with key allies including the NRA and the Legal Ivory Rights Coalition, as well as our knife industry members, Mike Vellekamp (FOX Knives USA) and Tim Wegner (Blade-Tech) who testified against the bills at our request, we were collectively able to beat back the proposed draconian ban on ivory, including mammoth ivory, in Washington.

Washington now joins Virginia this year in rejecting the emotionally charged, but factually deficient arguments put forth by promoters of these Ivory Ban bills.

Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter said, "Knife Rights and all who we represent abhor the poaching of elephants in Africa. However, these ivory ban bills won't save a single living elephant, while taking hundreds of millions of dollars from millions of honest law-abiding Americans. It makes no sense to unfairly penalize Americans for the illegal and immoral activities that continue to threaten elephants, and which these proposed ivory bans do nothing to ameliorate. These ivory ban bills are Feel Good - Do Bad legislation at its worst."

To all of you who made calls, wrote emails and came to testify, we are truly grateful for your help in defeating this misguided and irrational legislation.
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Thanks for your efforts. I've never understood the rational in banning fossil ivory or ivory that was harvested well before, maybe even hundreds of years before, the ban on elephant ivory was put in place.

Great news! We need to support those that support us. Next election I'm only supporting folks that care for the United States and We The People!