Adding to the addiction


Hey guys-
I heard about KnifeDogs through the grapevine and had to check it out. I see a lot of familiar names so I'm sure I'm going to enjoy this forum as much as the others I hang around.

About me: I'm a corporate finance guy by day and a hobbyist knifemaker by night. I made my first kit about 3 1/2 years ago and my first sole authorship about 6 months later. I'm still definately a newbie - just a little lighter shade of green. My design style (if I have one) could be described as "turn of the century modern". I've made quite a few different styles but I think I found my niche in making knives that look like something my grandfather would have carried. I primarily use 1095 and O1 - every once in a while someone convinces me to use stainless, but not very often.

See y'all around!

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