Andy Garrett finally catches up...

Andy Garrett

Active Member
Hey guys,

Finally got set up over here. My fellow KCKA brother, Dan Dick, turned me on to this forum at our last shop tour.
When I saw the link on MKS and figured out that this is all Tracy's doing, well..., I had to sign up.
As soon as I figure out all the pro and cons of paid memberships/forum ownerships, I'll surely go that route.

I recognize a great many of the names hereabouts from TKN. To all of you whom I've not had the pleasure... glad to 'meet' ya!

As always, it's far easier to find time to 'talk' knives than firing up the shop to make a few, but hey... I'm working on it.

Cheers,hello there
Glad to see you signed up here Andy. There are lots of good people here just like on TKN. I think you will like it.
Hey everyone Andy is a great dude lets give him a big welcome!!
Andy, glad you made it to KnifeDogs. It's OK to visit more than one forum....
I think you'll enjoy it here..
Welcome to the pack. Sniff around the kennel a while, I think you'll find that you'll love this place jsut as well as home. We have lots of good people here and a great atmosphere.
Hey stanger glad to have you over here. Noticed you didn'tget to come to the oklahoma show this year in Tulsa.
Thanks for the hardy welcome fellas!

Ryan, I didn't have anything in inventory for that show, but I'm planning on spending more time in the shop to get that inventory stocked up. I want to do a few shows in 2010.
Welcome to KnifeDogs!