Greetings from Wisconsin!

James Terrio

Well-Known Member
Howdy folks! I found out about this forum through Tracy's retail site. (which I nearly always check first when looking for supplies.)

I've been lurking for a few days now and I'm really pleased with the forum as a whole. I wholeheartedly support the G-rated/no drama policy. Some of you may remember me from another forum, where that was not always the case.

I've been modding, repairing, goofing up and making knives to one degree or another for several years, although I've only sold a couple. One of these days I may sell some more. My taste runs to users, but I like to drool over art knives as much as the next guy.

I haven't been online much at all in several months; I apologize to folks who may feel I just up and disappeared. No hard feelings, I hope. Spilling Gatorade on my lap-top (don't do that), various family stuff, moving into a different house, y'know the typical stuff that can keep a guy busy.

One thing I did accomplish was getting the best shop I've ever had in order. One of these days I'll take some pics and post a shop tour. Please don't laugh when I do, it's humble but a friend and I did all the work and I like it :)

Anyway I'm glad to be here and hope I can contribute in some small way. I'm no expert but I've made a lot of the typical mistakes and someone may be able to learn from them.
Thanks gentlemen :) Larry, I've been very happy with the handle materials I've gotten from you, keep up the good work!
Hey James,
Welcome.. There is a pretty good show this weekend in Janesville. The Badger club at the Holiday Inn. Probably a 3 hr drive for you.

Steve, I've been meaning to get to the Badger Show for a couple years now, but once again other things are interfering. :( I graduated from Parker High in Janesville actually.
Hey James

edited out by bossdog.....follow the rules.
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Boy that names sounds familiar?????Just can put a face to it.:duh: Wait, wait, it's coming back to me.:unsure:huh1 I remember now, your J. Turkey. HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! Glad to see you here Bro.2thumbs
Chris, pm received and replied to.

Indian George you old dog! Seein that pic was a shock... I haven't been with that woman in several months. *wipes away a tear*
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Thanks Dave. Those blades you cut for me last spring are finally ground and will be going out for heat-treat in the next few weeks. As soon as I get caught up on some other projects. I'm sure I'll be ordering from you again sometime in the future! :)
Thanks, Tracy! I got a pack of your KD cards last week and have already passed a couple out. Best of luck with this forum and your other enterprises.
Hey James, how are things going? You still on Luebner St?
Welcome to the pound, great place and no drama allowed.
Nothing but friendly folks here.
Hiya JatMat! I wasn't sure if that was you or not. Nope, no longer at that address... moved out to my dad's old place in a much better neighborhood. Been here close to four months and haven't heard a police siren the whole time! :D Watch for a shop tour thread sometime in the near future. You'll get to see some good ol-fashioned redneck "carpentry" heheh...
Hiya JatMat! I wasn't sure if that was you or not. Nope, no longer at that address... moved out to my dad's old place in a much better neighborhood. Been here close to four months and haven't heard a police siren the whole time! :D Watch for a shop tour thread sometime in the near future. You'll get to see some good ol-fashioned redneck "carpentry" heheh...

Careful, I resemble that remark, "redneck" I have been enjoying the warm weather and have been in the yard and prepping garden spots for planting this coming Friday.