How do you prevent blade snapping shut beyond neutral nicking the edge?


Well-Known Member
My friend and I are starting to make slip joint folders. He's way ahead of me and has actually finished one which I think turned out great. One problem- at full open, half open and closed the spring is perfectly flush with the liners. The blade does not touch the spring when closed. But when the blade snaps closed it hits the bulge in the spring where the spring is pinned, putting a bad nick in the blade. In other words, the blade snaps shut causing the spring to move from neutral to positive, but it isn't a "nail breaker" it has a very gentle"walk and talk". How do you avoid the blade snapping beyond neutral as it snaps shut?
or you can lower the edge to miss the bulge. on the next one keep the kicker a smuge longer to stop the bounce. tighten the pivot area one more tap to slow it down.