Two knives for one person.


Well-Known Member
Both knives has 3 5/8 " blade one is a drop point and the other a stright clip point , ATS34, OAL 8 1/2", dovetailed bolsters and file worked tangs, And Maple burl handles.




Holy Moly, Art, do you ever make an ugly knife? Those are both SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!!! And I agree with BRad704, I really like that filework you've done. The sheaths are awesome, too.
SUPER! AWESOME AMAZING.. and that is just to describe the burl.. let alone the rest on the knife! :) You outdid yourself on this pair Art!

God Bless
who every is getting those will be twice as happy....those are two great looking knifes.. very well done.
Thanks for all the comments and some day I'll make a light box so my pictures will be better.
I think I had seen that file work one time a couple years back, and this is the first time I used it. But don't remember where. So I'm not taking the credit for the patern.