Rattle snake!

Indigos are so beautiful!
I always wanted one for a pet when I was a youngster! Another kid I knew had one. I had Rat, red racers, Bullwhips garter & ribbon and and a Columbia Boa and my favorite was a California King "Banded".
We have lots of king snakes here. They are the most friendly. They act tame even when you pick them up. They also help keep the rattlesnake population in check by eating them. They are apparently immune to the local rattlesnakes. I've picked some up that had fang marks (scars) all over their bodies. We also have lots of gopher snakes which eat a lot of rodents. The gopher snakes will act like a rattlesnake when threatened. Unfortunately, that usually gets them killed. They will stay calm if you don't agitate them too much. Sometimes I see them loaded with cactus stickers and pull them all out. They don't like it at first, but once they figure out what you are doing, they just hold still. After I get finished pulling out the stickers, I usually give them a little stretch, which cracks their backs. It makes a weird sound, feels strange and they actually get a little longer. They like that part too.

Don Carlos and me with a nice gopher behind my shop. It doesn't seem like that long ago, but I sure look a lot younger in that pic. Time really flies...

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I was mowing around one of my ponds the other day,the bahaia grass was almost knee high,crickets and grasshoppers were going in every direction,some in the pond. As I went around and around the pond I noticed a moccisan,two water snakes and a big bull frog waiting in the edge of the water for the bugs that I scared their way.