Who is going to Batson's?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Who of you are going to Batson's? I plan on being there and I want to meet as many of you dogs as I can. I will be the huge, bald headed, guy with a camera around his neck. :biggrin: If I don't recognize you, I am sure you will recognize me.

If you aren't planning on going, you might consider it. I was there 3 years ago and had a blast. I plan on taking lots of pictures and showing them here on knife dogs.
Hey Cal,
Both myself and the 'Pup' will be there with bells on! Looking forward to it, there is a great line up of demonstrators this year, as well as the usual that show up at shows like this its a lot of fun.make sure you look me up Cal!
I know my memory is alwful, but I Bet I remember him!
I'll be there, in my usual location. Look for the horse trailer with living quarters, a 16' X 20' canopy with the KnifeDogs Banner on one of the tables. I call it the "Official" KnifeDogs Hospitality Canopy. I've been trying to talk The Boss into coming down.
Rex, I am sure you will recognize me. :biggrin:
Wayne I really do appreciate your Knifedogs Hospitality Canopy. It was a big help to stop and rest in the shade and be able to leave coolers and backpacks there. You are providing a big service.
I can tell you one thing, Wayne never met a stranger.

Boss Dog, you really should come to Batson's. I bet you would sell some things and I guarantee you will have a good time.
I should be there (85% chance, best in years). Lookin forward to seeing yall.

Hoping to score some more fast quench oil, in case anyone has some to part with....:biggrin:
can't make it. I had a couple other things already lined up for that weekend. I will put it on my calendar for next year.
I'd go if it weren't right smack dab in the middle of turkey season.
Y'all have a good time!

You mean you'd rather go TURKEY hunting!?!?!?!?
I just find that hard to believe....OK , maybe I can understand that a little.
Provided you have a honey sweet spot to go, like 5 foot off the roost!

I don't guess next year looks any better,.....Unless I can find somewhere to go up here, hhhhmmmmm
(wheels are a turnin', wondering how many makers I could brib with a turkey hunting trip down here).

That could be a sweet way to put on a Hammer In, all I have to do is take them all hunting and the knife makers would come to me, HA! Wouldn't that be awesome!! Wish it was that easy....then again there are a lot of makers that do love to hunt...might actually be a good idea